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I can write or revise your company documents and online communication content, including:


- web content

- social media content

- blogs

- articles

- emails & newsletters

- press releases

- creative pieces

- opinion pieces

- technical writing.


I also offer scribing services - for meetings, workshops and industry forums.
















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Good marketing needs quality content.


Search engines reward businesses that publish consistent, engaging content.


But it takes time and good writing to produce.


I can look after your social media channels for you, turning industry-specific jargon into easy to digest and 'engageable' content for your clients.


You brief me on what sort of content you'd like to appear on what channels and I source it, write it, post it and get people to engage with it!


I can also assist with designing marketing materials such as flyers, postcards and media advertisements.








Let me take the pain out of the recruitment process. I can write and publish the advertisement, short-list applicants, conduct phone interviews and provide feedback to unsuccessful applicants. You can retain any parts of the process that you want, such as conducting interviewing and, importantly, choosing your staff!


Hiring me is a good half-way measure. You'll be keeping the process in-house, even using it as an opportunity to strengthen your brand (the local community and job applicants will get a positive taste of your company's personality) rather than handing it over 'holus-bolus' to a big recruitment agency (and spending a lot of money!).



writing - marketing - recruitment

for small business

Sonia Bowditch
0416 190 629
PO Box 164

Jamison Centre

Canberra ACT 2614




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